About Us

self advocacy

My Life My Choice is a self-advocacy organisation for adults with a learning disability.

Self-advocacy means speaking up about what you want and being listened to. It means being able to choose things for yourself.

We are proud to be 100% user-led. This means our Trustee board is made up entirely of people with a learning disability.

Our vision is a world where people with a learning disability are treated without prejudice and are able to have choice and control over their own lives.

We run Projects that support our members to develop their skills, become more independent and to have fun! 

MLMC’s experienced team of Consultants also provide a variety of professional services, including Consultancy, Training, Easy Read, and Research.

You can find out more about us by reading our Annual Report or The Includer, our monthly member’s newsletter.

Would you like to become a member?

If you would like more information, please get in touch with Yazz at yazz@mylifemychoice.org.uk or call 01865 204214