We Can’t Wait

The We Can’t Wait campaign calls for people with a learning disability to be put higher up on NHS waiting lists.

This is because we believe people with a learning disability should never die before their time.

The 2019 Learning Disability Mortality Review (LeDeR) Report says men with a learning disability died 23 years earlier and women 27 years earlier than those without a learning disability.

And in 2023 a record 120,000 people died on waiting lists. Two thirds of those people had a disability (Healthwatch England).

The My Life My Choice Champions want to stop delays in health appointments that can be a matter of life and death.

As our campaign Champion Kumudu Perera says “it’s not about jumping queues, it’s about saving lives”.

We are pleased that this campaign has already had support from lots of people, and help from organisations like: Oxfordshire County Council; Oxford Health; Oxford University Hospitals; Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and West Berkshire Integrated Care Board.
What Needs to be Done

To achieve our goals we believe the government needs to:

1. Put a team of ‘navigators’ in every health trusts to help people when they on a waiting list.

2. Create shared waiting lists across the NHS, so all our information is in one place.

3. Support the NHS to tell us about waiting lists and how we can feedback in an accessible way.
Sing Our Campaign Agreement

Show your support by signing our Campaign Agreement.

Our Campaign Agreement
I agree that people with a learning disability should:

Be put higher on NHS waiting lists.

Live as long as everyone else.

Not die before their time.
Please sign the agreement below:

For more information, please contact James by calling 01865 204214 or by emailing james@mylifemychoice.org.uk